The Stage 32 Videos: Drug Addiction

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Save my son for Father’s Day My son has been a drug addict since 2007. I’m surprised he’s still alive. Rehab, counseling, methadone treatments, more rehab and so on and so on have not worked. I'm surprised Sean is still alive after all the drugs and medical problems he's gone though. My latest attempt to save him is more or less on the impossible side. My plan is to have a million humans send Sean a simple message: “Sean, you’re worth saving, so save yourself.” We’ve crafted a “based on true events"story regarding Sean’s life. In this story Sean is saved. He saves himself. When the film ends viewers will be asked to send Sean a message. A message just directed to Sean with mental energy. “Sean, you’re worth saving, so save yourself.” Will it work? Why not? Here’s a ten minute video on his history and my plans. What I truly need is just a follow on the Kickstarter page. That’s all. Thanks! Happy Father’s Day.
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